Sündmuse tüüp:
Sündmuse kuupäev:
Wednesday, Oct 02, 2019 -
Friday, Oct 04, 2019
[email protected]
MFCC - Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre, Attard, Malta
Millennium Stand,
Level 1, The National Stadium, Ta' Qali,
ATD 4000, Malta
DELTA Summit 2019 is Malta’s official platform to showcase pioneering initiatives from around the world in the disruptive technology sector, as well as the country’s advances in embracing new and disruptive technology. Backed by the Maltese Government, DELTA Summit 2019 will cement Malta’s international global status as The Blockchain Island and will expand further to focus on artificial intelligence, the internet of things (IOT), esports and game development, making DELTA Summit the place to be for anyone wanting to learn about cutting edge developments in tech and innovation. DELTA Summit 2019 will be held October 2-4, 2019, in Malta. To find out more or to book tickets, visit: www.delta-summit.com.
Nimekiri seotud krüptovaluuta sündmustest. Palun lugege viimaseid ja tulevasi cryptocurrency sündmusi, mis hõlmavad blockchaini tehnoloogiat, bitcoini, ethereumi, krüpto-märgiseid ja algseid mündi pakkumisi.