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Crypto Daily 2023-06-26 06:00:00

Hedera Integrates ChatGPT For $HBAR Interactions

ChatGPT, an advanced natural language AI implementation, has been coupled with Hedera, the decentralized network supporting the $HBAR cryptocurrency. This unique integration is projected to facilitate secure and streamlined interactions between the AI tool and Hedera's various services. Any #ChatGPT users and enthusiasts in the house? 🙋‍♂️Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a #ChatGPT #plugin that interacts with @hedera This will be useful for those who want to tap into the power of #AI with #blockchain 🤖🧊⛓Happy coding💻 — Ed (@ed__marquez) June 23, 2023AI Fuses Into Blockchain Artificial intelligence implementations such as ChatGPT from OpenAI are semi-autonomous systems capable of learning, decision-making, and adaptation based on minimal user input. Blockchain, on the other hand, provides a secure, immutable method to record transactions or digital interactions. The convergence of these technologies introduces an innovative approach to data processing and utilization. In healthcare, for example, AI could analyze patient records securely stored on a blockchain for personalized treatments. In finance, AI-powered decision-making combined with smart contracts could automate processes ranging from simple transactions to complex investments. The blend of AI's adaptive learning and blockchain's secure, transparent nature opens doors to more intelligent and efficient solutions across numerous sectors. ChatGPT, a conversational AI that responds to text inputs in a human-like manner, is now taking a leap into the blockchain world via a new plugin that interacts with the Hedera network. Unpacking ChatGPT and Hedera Integration Hedera, a decentralized, open-source, proof-of-stake, EVM-compatible public ledger, uses a leaderless consensus algorithm. This confers the network with the highest level of security and performance theoretically possible. The network is governed by a collusion-resistant, decentralized council of notable enterprises, universities, and Web3 projects worldwide, such as Google, IBM, and Ubisoft. The network provides several services that facilitate web 3 components and applications development. These services, including the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS), Hedera Token Service (HTS), and Smart Contract Service, are now accessible to ChatGPT via a newly-developed plugin. In essence, this integration allows ChatGPT to retrieve HBAR and other token balances from Hedera accounts. As a result, users can easily monitor and manage their assets on the blockchain. The interaction between AI and blockchain holds immense potential. However, we are in the early stages of this integration. Close observation is necessary to comprehend its full potential and its impact on the broader technological landscape. Implications and Potential This integration between ChatGPT and Hedera presents a unique and significant development in the world of technology. With the AI's capability to engage with blockchain securely, the interaction between these technologies could influence a range of applications in the sector, particularly relating to decentralized applications (dApps). Notably, this ChatGPT-Hedera plugin allows for streamlined asset monitoring and management. Users can retrieve HBAR and other token balances from Hedera accounts, which can simplify the process of monitoring assets on the blockchain. In the context of decentralised marketplaces, the fusion of AI and blockchain could lead to advancements in the ways transactions and interactions are conducted. Blockchain's secure, transparent, and decentralised nature, coupled with AI's advanced computational capabilities, could offer potential benefits in terms of security, transparency, and efficiency. Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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