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NewsBTC 2023-05-24 16:30:10

Ethereum Staking Hits Over $40 Billion After Shanghai Upgrade: What It Means For ETH

The Ethereum (ETH) network has reached a significant milestone following the highly-anticipated Shanghai upgrade, as staking activity soars to new heights. According to crypto analytics platform Cryptorank, the Ethereum deposit contract balance has exceeded $40 billion, with users depositing over 4.4 million ETH since April 12 (the date of the Shanghai upgrade launch). This surge in staking activity marks a pivotal moment for ETH and its transition to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. Staking Frenzy: A Post-Upgrade Milestone The recent data shared by CryptoRank reveals that the ETH deposit contract balance on May 23 stood at 22.6 million ETH, equivalent to $41.1 billion. This substantial increase in deposits can be attributed to the introduction of the latest feature allowing validators to withdraw their staked tokens. The Ethereum network has experienced a surge in interest, with users seizing the opportunity to participate in staking and earn rewards for supporting the network’s security and consensus mechanism. Related Reading: Ethereum Staking Takes A Leap Forward: Here’s What’s On The Horizon Alongside the growth in deposit contract balance, Ethereum has offered attractive staking returns. As of today, the staking annualized rate of return for running an ETH validator stands at 8.66%, providing a meaningful incentive for users to engage in staking. This figure remains significant, further driving the interest in staking among Ethereum investors seeking to maximize their returns. Furthermore, according to recent data from Token Unlocks, since the implementation of unstaking on the Ethereum network, investors have deposited 4.68 million ETH into ETH 2.0 contracts. Simultaneously, approximately 2.83 million ETH has been withdrawn, indicating ongoing investor engagement and confidence in the staking process. The Future Of Ethereum Staking With the Ethereum network surpassing the $40 billion mark in deposit contract balance, the growth in staking activity signifies a strong commitment from the community toward the PoS consensus mechanism. This development also highlights Ethereum’s transition to Ethereum 2.0, where staking will play a vital role in securing the network and achieving scalability. As ETH continues to evolve, the surge in staking participation not only contributes to the network’s security but also offers an opportunity for ETH holders to earn passive income through staking rewards. By actively participating in staking, users can contribute to the growth and decentralization of ETH while reaping the benefits of staking returns. Meanwhile, as ETH staking continues to surge, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has warned of potentially overloading the network consensus. In a recently published blog post, Buterin noted “Don’t overload Ethereum’s consensus.” Related Reading: Crypto Expert Predicts Ethereum (ETH) To Reach $457,000 – Here’s How The Ethereum founder further added that using Ethereum’s network consensus for other things could bring “high systemic risks to the ecosystem and should be discouraged and resisted.” However, following the warning, ETH staking hasn’t seen any decline so far but only an uptick. Over the past 24 hours, ETH has seen a plunge, down by 3.6%. The second-largest crypto asset by market capitalization has dropped from a high of trading slightly above $2,000 in recent weeks to trade below $1,800, at the time of writing. Featured image from Shutterstock, Chart from TradingView

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