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Crypto Daily 2023-06-18 22:00:00

Crypto Price Today: Will Bitcoin and Ethereum Regain Support Level? Tradecurve Stage 3 50% Sold Already

VanEck has made a bold prediction, suggesting that Ethereum will reach $50,000 by 2030. The investment management firm's claim is based on Ethereum's presence in crucial industry sectors and its potential to revolutionize finance, banking, payments, social interactions, gaming, and infrastructure. Ethereum's token supply reduction, where transaction fees result in Ethereum burning, contributes to its value. The question is not if, but when, will Ethereum reach support levels and all-time highs due to its enduring demand? Looking at the chart, it is evident that bulls have maintained their position above the falling wedge pattern's resistance line, indicating demand at lower levels. >>BUY TCRV TOKENS NOW Glassnode's Ethereum and Bitcoin Analysis Glassnode has focused its attention on Bitcoin and has identified an upcoming transition point in the market cycle. This transition, coupled with macroeconomics and price action for Bitcoin and Ethereum, is expected to lead to increased price volatility. Given the ongoing SEC situation, the macro environment will become more unpredictable from next week onwards. Despite this uncertainty, the price of Bitcoin has managed to stay above the crucial support at $25,000, suggesting that recent SEC events are already factored into the price. Traders are keen to buy the dip, with notable figures like ARK Invest CEO Cathie Wood investing millions of dollars in Coinbase stock and Block Inc. shares. Tradecurve: A Comprehensive Web3 Trading Solution provides customers with a hybrid platform for trading cryptocurrencies and derivatives from a single account, eliminating the need to disclose personal information. As one of the fastest-growing projects in the DeFi space, offers a unique hybrid exchange that removes entry barriers, provides deep liquidity, enables anonymous trading, and ensures fast execution. It is one of the first decentralized exchanges to use cryptocurrencies as collateral, offering spot trading for traditional assets such as stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Onboarding on Tradecurve is straightforward, requiring users to connect their wallets to the Ethereum network, deposit crypto, and begin trading. Traders can subscribe to AI and algorithmic trading bots or use copy trading features to replicate the strategies of top traders in the market. Beginners can benefit from the metaverse trading academy, which offers a wide range of learning opportunities and live lectures. TCRV tokens are currently available for purchase at $0.015 in the soon-to-end stage 3 of the ongoing presale. The value will increase by 25% to $0.018 when entering stage 4. By the end of the presale period alone, TCRV is projected to achieve a 5,000% gain, positioning Tradecurve as potentially one of the most promising investments in the market. Discover more surrounding Tradecurve and TCRV below: Click Here For Website Click Here To Buy TCRV Presale Tokens Follow Us Twitter Join Our Community on Telegram Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

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