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NewsBTC 2023-06-19 09:45:25

PEPE Sustains Steady Ascent, Fueling Speculation Of Profits

PEPE is now on the verge of a remarkable resurgence. After facing a decline in popularity, the meme coin seems to be reclaiming its former glory. With each passing day, this popular meme token seems to be clawing back all its losses, generating buzz among enthusiasts and observers alike. At the time of writing, PEPE’s price has seen a remarkable seven-day increase of nearly 10%. But what exactly lies behind this newfound momentum? How has PEPE managed to overcome its tumultuous past and forge a path towards redemption? Is A Rebound In The Offing For PEPE? Amidst recent market fluctuations, PEPE enthusiasts have found renewed hope as the price of the iconic meme character experiences a significant surge. Recent price report on PEPE indicate a strong bullish reversal from the support level of $0.00000084, with buyers seizing the opportunity to maximize their investments. Related Reading: Polygon (MATIC) Sees Surge In Whale Buying Despite US Regulatory Pressure The surge in PEPE’s value has been further fueled by Bitcoin’s rise to the $26.5k price zone during the same period, providing additional encouragement to PEPE bulls. As a result, investors are now speculating on the potential for further price gains in the short term. As of the latest update, CoinGecko reports that PEPE’s price has climbed to $0.0000009421, reflecting a weekly rally of nearly 10%. Source: Coingecko Breaking Bearish Trends, Facing Resistance The recent surge in PEPE’s price has not only brought optimism to its enthusiasts but has also paved the way for a potential bullish reversal. This upward momentum has been accompanied by a breakthrough, as the meme coin managed to surpass the bearish trendline. This breakthrough highlights the presence of significant buying pressure and further strengthens the belief among PEPE bulls. PEPE price movement in the weekly timeframe. Source: CoinMarketCap. However, there are still hurdles to overcome on the path to recovery. Bulls will encounter resistance at the $0.00000115 level, which marks an important threshold. Related Reading: Binance Coin (BNB) Defies Regulatory Pressure, Holds $220 Support A successful session close above this resistance would signify a break from the lower lows associated with the bearish slide, potentially igniting even more bullish activity and increasing investor confidence. The market cap of cryptocurrencies at $1 trillion as of June 19. Chart: On the flip side, failure to reclaim the $0.00000115 level would reintroduce sellers into the market. This would create opportunities for shorting, especially if the price remains unable to break above the resistance level. It is a critical moment for PEPE, and the outcome will determine the next phase of its journey. It’s worth noting that the fortunes of PEPE are closely tied to the performance of Bitcoin bulls. As the leading cryptocurrency experiences further upside movement, investors are likely to flock to PEPE in search of short-term gains. Featured image from Shutterstock

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