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Crypto Daily 2023-06-23 10:50:00

PEPE Makes Huge Gains, Crypto Daily TV 23/6/2023

In Todays Headline TV CryptoDaily News: Pepecoin becomes biggest meme coin gainer Pepecoin surged as much as 40% to extend weekly gains to over 70% amid a market-wide rally led by bitcoin. Trading volumes for the frog-themed tokens jumped to over $800 million, as a risk-on environment likely fueled outsized bets on riskier assets, such as altcoins and meme coins. Ripple gets in-principle nod for digital asset services in Singapore Blockchain-based payments firm Ripple has obtained in-principle regulatory approval from Singapore’s financial regulator to offer digital asset payments and token products in the city-state. ETF-fueled rally puts ether lower versus BTC The price ratio between ether and bitcoin, a commonly watched metric for the biggest cryptocurrencies, sank to a two-month low as a traditional finance giant's plan for a BTC exchange-traded fund dramatically shifted sentiment in the industry. BTC/USD rose 0.5% in the last session. The Bitcoin-Dollar pair rose 0.5% in the last session. According to the Williams indicator, we are in an overbought market. Support is at 27206.3333 and resistance at 32172.3333. The Williams indicator points to an overbought market. ETH/USD traded sideways in the last session. Ethereum-Dollar price remained largely unchanged in the last session. The ROC is giving a negative signal. Support is at 1747.3767 and resistance at 1970.2567. The ROC is currently in negative territory. XRP/USD fell 0.4% in the last session. Ripple fell 0.4% against the Dollar in the last trading session. The Stochastic-RSI's positive signal is in line with the overall technical analysis. Support is at 0.4835 and resistance at 0.5116. The Stochastic-RSI is currently in positive territory. LTC/USD skyrocketed 1.3% in the last session. The Litecoin-Dollar pair skyrocketed 1.3% in the last session. The ROC's positive signal is in line with the overall technical analysis. Support is at 76.8733 and resistance at 91.3933 The ROC is currently in positive territory. Daily Economic Calendar: JP Jibun Bank Services PMI The Jibun Bank Services Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) captures the business conditions in the services sector. The services PMI is an important indicator of the overall economic conditions. Japan's Jibun Bank Services PMI will be released at 00:30 GMT, the Dutch Gross Domestic Product at 04:30 GMT, the UK's CFTC GBP NC Net Positions at 20:30 GMT. NL Gross Domestic Product The Gross Domestic Product is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced by a country. The GDP is considered as a broad measure of economic activity and health. UK CFTC GBP NC Net Positions The weekly Commitments of Traders (COT) report provides information on the size and the direction of the positions taken. The report focuses on speculative positions. US Baker Hughes US Oil Rig Count The Baker Hughes Rig Count is an important business barometer for the drilling industry and its suppliers. Active drilling rigs consume products and services produced by the oil service industry. The US Baker Hughes US Oil Rig Count will be released at 17:00 GMT, the Belgian Leading Indicator at 13:00 GMT, the UK's Retail Sales at 06:00 GMT. BE Leading Indicator The Leading Indicator indicates future trends of the overall economic activity including industrial confidence, orders inflow/demand, tendency in manufacturing, and more. UK Retail Sales The Retail Sales measures the total receipts of retail stores. Monthly percent changes reflect the rate of change of such sales. Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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