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CoinGeek Toronto Conference - CoinGeek Scaling Conference | No Limits

Blockchain Africa Conference 2019

Тип события:

Дата события:
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - Thursday, May 30, 2019


Эл. адрес:
[email protected]

место встречи:
The Carlu, Toronto

7th Floor, The Carlu, 444 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 2H4, Canada

The CoinGeek Conference comes to North America for the first time, May 29-30, 2019 at the Carlu in Toronto, Canada. Professionals from leading blockchain and cryptocurrency start-ups, global enterprises, crypto mining, investors, and other brands are coming to learn about exciting developments for Bitcoin SV, as well as the benefits of massive on-chain scaling for miners, application developers, and enterprises. We welcome everyone interested in learning about Bitcoin SV and the Satoshi Vision, even if you also support other cryptocurrency or blockchain projects. To kick-off this two-day event, May 29 is “Developers Day” workshop for Bitcoin application developers (spaces are limited, to get a ticket please apply here). May 30 is the main conference, registration open to the public, showcasing the high-caliber speeches and panel discussions which are the hallmark of CoinGeek events. Special features include finalist presentations for the Bitcoin Association’s first BSV Hackathon, and a special intimate conversation with nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig S. Wright about the beginnings of Bitcoin. And as always, we end with a famed CoinGeek after-party! Join us on the journey to fulfill the Satoshi Vision set out a decade ago, for Bitcoin to become the world’s new money and global enterprise blockchain.


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