MED Coin Values MED
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날짜 | 열기 | 닫기 | 높은 | 낮은 |
2018-01-17 | $0.0956 | $0.1230000 | $0.1383000 | $0.0892 |
2018-01-18 | $0.1240000 | $0.1327000 | $0.1600000 | $0.1074000 |
2018-01-19 | $0.1368000 | $0.1390000 | $0.1556000 | $0.1317000 |
2018-01-20 | $0.1411000 | $0.1300000 | $0.1565000 | $0.1058000 |
2018-01-21 | $0.1289000 | $0.0976 | $0.1196000 | $0.0944 |
2018-01-22 | $0.1007000 | $0.0940 | $0.1030000 | $0.0840 |
2018-01-23 | $0.0950 | $0.0896 | $0.0945 | $0.0797 |
2018-01-24 | $0.0896 | $0.0956 | $0.1030000 | $0.0892 |
2018-01-25 | $0.0955 | $0.1130000 | $0.1402000 | $0.0879 |
2018-01-26 | $0.1151000 | $0.1049000 | $0.1258000 | $0.0839 |
2018-01-27 | $0.1049000 | $0.1020000 | $0.1153000 | $0.0987 |
2018-01-28 | $0.1009000 | $0.0985 | $0.1145000 | $0.0936 |
2018-01-29 | $0.0985 | $0.0913 | $0.0959 | $0.0878 |
2018-01-30 | $0.0936 | $0.0787 | $0.0872 | $0.0723 |
2018-01-31 | $0.0777 | $0.0756 | $0.0822 | $0.0700 |
2018-02-01 | $0.0756 | $0.0616 | $0.0718 | $0.0513 |
2018-02-02 | $0.0616 | $0.0578 | $0.0596 | $0.0385300 |
2018-02-03 | $0.0578 | $0.0573 | $0.0612 | $0.0515 |
2018-02-04 | $0.0573 | $0.0430300 | $0.0496600 | $0.0413800 |
2018-02-05 | $0.0429700 | $0.0319700 | $0.0368400 | $0.0278000 |
모집통화 | 거래소 |
MED/BTC | bibox |
MED/BTC | bittrex |
MED/BTC | btc38 |
MED/BTC | cryptsy |
MED/BTC | upbit |
MED/CNY | btc38 |
MED/ETH | bibox |
MED/ETH | dex |
MED/ETH | ethermium |
MED/ETH | gateio |
MED/ETH | idex |
MED/KRW | bithumb |
MED/KRW | korbit |
MED/KRW | probit |
MED/KRW | upbit |
MED/QTUM | gateio |
MED/USDT | bittrex |
MED/USDT | bkex |
MED/USDT | gateio |
MED/WAVES | wavesdex |
Mediterranean Coin (MED) is a uses a hybrid algorithm of Scrypt and SHA-256 - in order to limit the ability of large miners to jump on a network and increase the hashing power disproportionately. 200 million currency units are set to be mined.
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