BCD Coin Values BCD
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날짜 | 열기 | 닫기 | 높은 | 낮은 |
2017-09-03 | $0.007196 | $0.0352400 | $0.0352400 | $0.007225 |
2017-09-04 | $0.0352400 | $0.0243000 | $0.0303700 | $0.0243000 |
2017-09-05 | $0.006378 | $0.006677 | $0.006677 | $0.006677 |
2017-09-06 | $0.006677 | $0.0301600 | $0.0301600 | $0.007117 |
2017-09-08 | $0.007378 | $0.006748 | $0.006748 | $0.006447 |
2017-09-10 | $0.0212700 | $0.0209400 | $0.0209400 | $0.0209400 |
2017-09-13 | $0.0235000 | $0.0220400 | $0.0220600 | $0.0220400 |
2017-09-14 | $0.006386 | $0.005166 | $0.005166 | $0.005166 |
2017-09-15 | $0.0178300 | $0.0207400 | $0.0207400 | $0.006009 |
2017-09-16 | $0.0207400 | $0.0203300 | $0.0203300 | $0.0203300 |
2017-09-17 | $0.0203300 | $0.0206400 | $0.0206400 | $0.0206400 |
2017-09-20 | $0.0226100 | $0.2515000 | $0.2517000 | $0.007103 |
2017-09-21 | $0.2515000 | $0.2057000 | $0.2286000 | $0.2057000 |
2017-09-22 | $0.2057000 | $0.2332000 | $0.2332000 | $0.2098000 |
2017-09-23 | $0.2332000 | $0.2289000 | $0.2538000 | $0.007583 |
2017-09-24 | $0.2289000 | $0.2176000 | $0.2261000 | $0.007534 |
2017-09-25 | $0.2176000 | $0.2270000 | $0.2271000 | $0.2270000 |
2017-09-27 | $0.007678 | $0.008264 | $0.008264 | $0.008245 |
2017-09-28 | $0.008264 | $0.007266 | $0.0236200 | $0.007266 |
2017-10-05 | $0.005542 | $0.1327000 | $0.1425000 | $0.005605 |
모집통화 | 거래소 |
BCD/BCH | okex |
BCD/BTC | bigone |
BCD/BTC | binance |
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BCD/BTC | bw |
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BCD/BTC | crex24 |
BCD/BTC | exrates |
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BCD/BTC | gateio |
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BCD/BTC | huobikorea |
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BCD/BTC | latoken |
BCD/BTC | lbank |
BCD/BTC | livecoin |
BCD/BTC | nlexch |
BCD/BTC | okex |
Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) is a fork of Bitcoin that will occur at the predetermined height of block 495866. It is a PoW/PoS cryptocurrency based on X13 algorithm.
Sorry, detailed technology about Bitcoin Diamond is not currently available
Sorry, detailed features about Bitcoin Diamond is not currently available